
2023 Commencement Ceremony
We are rooting for the Class of 2023
with UNIST Development Fund!

The 2023 UNIST Commencement Ceremony was held face-to-face for the first time in four years. The alumni who have won the Yebong Best Dissertation Award and the LS Group Presidential Award at the ceremony are introduced as follows.
  • [Yebong Best Dissertation Award]

    Established from the funds donated by both the honorary and second UNIST President Moo Je Cho, the Yebong Best Dissertation Award is given to the author of the best doctoral dissertation. The aim is to recognize and encourage superior research and writing by doctoral candidates in any field of study. The award has been named after

  • [LS Group Presidential Award]

    LS Group Presidential Award is given annually to two

  • Q1. __Hello! Congratulations on graduating. Please introduce yourself briefly
  • Q2. __You received an award at this commencement ceremony, please share your thoughts.
  • Q3. __Please talk about your plans after graduation.
  • Q4. __Finally, please a few words for enrolled students.
  • [Lee Hyeon-jae]

    A1. __ Hello. I am Lee Hyeon-jae who earned a Ph.D. from UNIST in February. I spent most of my 20s studying at UNIST for 10 years after gaining undergraduate admission. For my time there, I will always be grateful to UNIST for providing a lot of opportunities to encounter various research fields and get help from experts.

    A2. __ First of all, I would like to thank everyone for believing in me despite my shortcomings and selecting me for the Yebong Award and former President Moo je Cho for awarding me a development fund donation. More so than my personal achievements, I think this award was mainly possible through the efforts and support of all the labs members I work with. To meet the expectations of all of my colleagues who believed in and supported me and everyone who selected me for this award, I will keep striving to be a good researcher.

    A3. __ After graduation, as a researcher, I will devote myself to efforts for more professional and creative research. Currently, I am a Ph.D researcher at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), and I am studying machine learning in material science, which was always an interest of mine during my Ph.D coursework but was not able to study for realistic reasons. I would like to further pursue deeper research in this field, while also playing the role of a good mentor for students.

    A4. __ For personal dreams and goals, make the most of your time. Speaking from my short-lived experience, begin by setting one’s goals first, and then gain real-world experience other than academic experience serves as a great asset. Do not be afraid of the challenges and failures to follow, but rather capitalize on it as a learning opportunity to continue to develop and take on challenges. I hope all of you will be able to achieve your dreams and goals.

  • [Ryu Hyeon-u]

    A1. __ Hello! I am Ryu Hyeon-u, who graduated from admissions class No. 17 in the Mechanical Engineering Department in August 22. It took me longer than expected to graduate, including one year of leave of absence. I am now studying for my master's degree in mechanical engineering at KAIST.

    A2. __ First of all, thank you for the opportunity to win the LS Group Chairman Award at the commencement ceremony! Despite the long and hard hours devoted to my academics, after passing exams, I am left with only fond memories. I would like to express my gratitude to the professors who kindly shared their experience and advice in personal counseling sessions and taught their subjects with passion during undergraduate coursework.

    A3. __ I enrolled in graduate school in August last year and now I am in my sophomore semester. Although I am in mechanical engineering, I want to pursue research that can help people enduring barriers to mobility by researching and simulating the movement of human muscles and skeletons. In the future, I hope that my research will help people and society to grow steadily. In addition, no matter how busy I am, I will continue to do volunteer service, which I have done since middle school until university.

    A4. __ I would like to advise others to enjoy what is only possible to do when enrolled in college. It's not just about socializing and having fun, but instead I would like to have a range of experiences and tackle challenges, and grow on my own, while pondering about a career path. I would like to experience and enjoy the various mentoring, volunteer and club activities during school!

  • [Kim Sang -min]

    A1. __ Hello, I am Kim Sang-min, a graduate of electrical and electronic engineering. I enrolled in 2016 and graduated from the undergraduate program in August 2022. Currently, I am working with domestic automakers.

    A2. __ I was stunned to hear the new about getting the LS Group Chairman Award. Given that the many classmates at UNIST who lead the pack in their field of study, I think I was chosen for this award to motivate me to work even harder. I will also devote myself to becoming an engineer who contributes to human life in my position.

    A3. __ I am currently working on a process automation design and smart factory at Kia. So in the short term, after developing fully as an engineer, I would like to be tasked with presenting the business strategy of the warrior and the direction of the mobility industry in the mid- to long -term.

    A4. __ I have learned a lot of things at UNIST over my seven years of academics from undergraduate admission to graduation. I hope the enrolled students will also gain from many different experiences for the rest of the year and beyond, and achieve their goals.

Visit to UNIST by Webasto Group officials, Germany

On March 10, Battery Systems Executive Director/ CEO Hartung Wilstermann and Webasto Korea CEO Tae-bong Choi visited the UNIST campus. During their visit, Webasto Battery System Executive Director Haltung discussed the students’ thesis paper planning with Kim Min-su, energy chemical engineering major, Kim Nam-hyeok, energy and chemical engineering major, and Lee Chan-hee, who were selected as beneficiaries of the Graduate Student Research and Development Fund, which received a donation from the Webasto Foundation in 2023.
In attendance at the venue, Sin Hyeon-seok, the head of the Korea Development Fund, said, “We express our thanks to the Webasto Foundation for its donation to the development fund of our university, which will greatly provide funding support for the research of graduate students. We look forward to building a cooperative relationship through continuous exchange”.

“Fresh Start, Fresh Shoot”
Photo Booth Event at Commencement-Awards Ceremony
with Development Fund Team x Alumni Association

The Development Fund Team and the National Alumni Association set up a photo booth to revitalize alumni and promote the development fund from February 15 to 18.
The photo booth attracted many people who enjoyed taking a four-cut photo with their friends and families in wrap unit . The proceeds earned from the photo booth are to be used for the operations of the alumni association, with the National Alumni Association donating some of the proceeds to the development fund to lend their heartfelt support to their alma mater.

Please show
your heart!

Send your heartfelt patronage to UNIST for advancing creative global talent development, cultivating the seeds of scientific and technological development, and endless challenges for the future. We have prepared in earnest to open the bright tomorrow of UNIST with utmost gratitude for your unwavering support.
  • Types of
    development funds
  • General
    development funds
    • Funds contributed by donors without designating the purpose of use of the funds or the competent department for spending
    • 2030비전기금 본원 위임기금으로 UNIST 발전전략 <비전2030> 추진을 위해 다양한 사업에 쓰입니다.
    development funds
    • Funds are contributed by donors with the designated purpose of use of the funds or the competent department for spending. It consists of four types of funds.
    • 인프라구축기금 최첨단·친환경 교육·연구 환경 구축과 글로벌 인재들과의 협업에 쓰입니다. 연구기금 최신 과학기술 연구와 그에 필요한 최첨단 연구 기자재 구입에 사용됩니다. 장학기금 학생들이 학비 걱정 없이 자유롭게 학업에 전념할 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 학부지정기금 특정 학부 육성을 위한 다양한 사업에 사용됩니다.
  • Thank You List for Development Funds (Donations are presented below in chronological order from December 23, 2022. to February 28, 2023.)
    • Lump Sum (Cash)
      • 김진영 교수 인문학부 미나리장학금 지정 20만 원
      • ㈜네이버 전지전자/컴퓨터공학과 3천만 원
      • 장봉수 교수 수리과학과 지정 50만 원
      • 이재연 교수 인문학부 미나리장학금 지정 100만 원
        임치현 교수 산업공학과 지정 10만 원
      • 신현석 교수 위임기금 30만 원
      • 박기복 교수 물리학과 지정 100만 원
      • 송민석 포스텍 교수 도서 확충 지정 30만 원
      • 소다미주식회사(동강병원 박원희 이사장) 1억 원
        이준호 덕산그룹 회장 2천만 원
        강세병 교수 장학기금 지정 25만 원
      • 안창원님 징학기금 지정 10만 원
        방인철 교수 42만5천 원
      • 김남훈 교수 위임기금 15만 원
      • 박태주 교수 위임기금 5만 원
      • 동문 이지수님 위임기금 5만 원
      • 윤새라 교수 인문학부 미나리장학금 지정 30만 원
      • 박노정 교수 물리학과 지정 1백만 원
      • 독일베바스토재단 연구지원기금 3,965만 원(3만 유로)
      • 학부모 김정아님 위임기금 100만 원
      • ㈜LS LS상 시상금 200만 원
        울산지피에스주식회사 탄소중립연구지원 2억 원
      • 경남은행 퍼머컬처가든조성 2억 원
      • 이인경 교수 인문학부 미나리장학금 지정 100만 원
      • 글로벌에코 100만 원
      • 글로벌에코 110만 원
    • Regular Donation Agreement (New members)
      • 직원 신성덕님 월 5만 원(위임기금)
      • 직원 배진모님 월 1만원(위임기금)
      • 재학생 이승석님 월 1만 원(인프라구축기금)
      • 김진욱님 월 3만원(위임기금)
      • 직원 박철우님 월 1만 원(위임기금)
      • 학부모 정영철님 월 1만 원(위임기금)
      • 학부모 정민재님 월 1만 원(위임기금)
      • 동문 김범태님 월 1만 원(장학기금)
      • 학부모 서주경님 월 1만 원(연구기금)
        학부모 김태욱님 월 1만 원(위임기금)
      • 학부모 이정태님 월 1만 원(위임기금)
      • 학부모 송지희님 월 5만 원(위임기금)
      • 학부모 양성원님 월 1만 원(위임기금)
      • 동문 박우진 님 월 2만 원(위임기금)
      • 학부모 김서란님 월5만 원(인프라구축기금)
        학부모 전해수님 월5만 원(위임기금)
        학부모 김희은님 월 1만 원(위임기금)
      Actual Stocks
      • 에스케이가스 지관서가 구축 7.6억 원 상당
      • 태평양시스템(주) 체육관 조명 3960만 원 상당